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The movie "Hustlers" with JLo in the lead role wins the audience, they are anticipating him an Oscar-Ultrabasic blog-fashion and celebrity news

The movie "Hustlers" with JLo in the lead role ...

The movie "Hustlers" has garnered numerous positive reviews at the Toronto premiere and is even rumored to be Oscar-nominated, while the lead actresses impressed with their appearance on the red...

The movie "Hustlers" with JLo in the lead role ...

The movie "Hustlers" has garnered numerous positive reviews at the Toronto premiere and is even rumored to be Oscar-nominated, while the lead actresses impressed with their appearance on the red...

'The Unicorn' -  the buzzy threesome hook!

'The Unicorn' - the buzzy threesome hook!

We can’t wait to see Lucy Hale in her new movie The Unicorn.  She was looking stunning at the movie premiere where she was with her co-stars Lauren Lapkus, Nicholas...

'The Unicorn' - the buzzy threesome hook!

We can’t wait to see Lucy Hale in her new movie The Unicorn.  She was looking stunning at the movie premiere where she was with her co-stars Lauren Lapkus, Nicholas...